Children’s Safe Harbor (CSH) is maintained in a manner that is physically and psychologically safe for children and families. As a neutral and independent nonprofit organization (501c3) governed by the Texas Family Code 264.406 CSH is a child-friendly facility where child victims of trauma and abuse are served by multiple disciplines, including, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, law enforcement agencies, prosecution, medical and mental health providers, juvenile probation services, victim advocates and CSH staff, hereafter referred to as the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT).
The predominant approach to child abuse investigations at Children’s Safe Harbor (CSH) is the multidisciplinary team model. This approach supports enhanced communications between the various agencies that respond to allegations of child abuse, especially sexual assault and abuse, severe physical abuse, child witnesses to homicide and violent crimes, and child sex trafficking and online solicitation of minors.
Families with diverse economic resources and varying cultural and ethnic backgrounds have utilized the services of Children’s Safe Harbor. Both male and female children ranging in ages from 2 to 17 years have received the full array of services provided through this children’s advocacy center.
After 22 years of service this statistic remains constant: the average client is a 7 year old, Caucasian female who has been victimized by someone that she knows and trusts.
All our services are provided free of charge.